It's Book Fair time! And the #1 rule... your child will have fun! We're turning up the volume on this year's Fair with more books, more choices, and more fun than ever before. And, you can join the fun too at our family night! #ScholasticBookFairs
5 months ago, Tabitha Wakefield
Book Fair
This year's Book Fair is going to be epic! More Books. More Choices. More Fun. Start exploring together on our school's Book Fair homepage:
5 months ago, Tabitha Wakefield
This year's Book Fair is going to be epic! More Books. More Choices. More Fun. Start exploring together on our school's Book Fair homepage:
Tomorrow ,Thursday February 22nd, MCJH will wear yellow in support of Jazmyn White. She’s an 8th grader at MCJH and is currently fighting cancer.
11 months ago, Crystal Hesson
MCJHS home soccer game for Friday will start at 7 with jv to follow.
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hesson
The MCJH away football game scheduled for Thursday, August 24th against Upperman will start at 7:00.
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hesson
5th/6th grade girls basketball tryouts have been moved to May 18th 5-6:30. Any girl trying out must have a physical. Sorry for any confusion, but we wanted to give the parents more time.
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hesson
Macon County Jr. High School was in a shelter-in-place lockdown on Wednesday morning while the Macon County Sheriff's Department conducted a search after an illegal item was found in the hallway. The entire building and bus in question were thoroughly searched and nothing else was found to cause any additional alarm. The students resumed their normal schedule soon thereafter. Both the school system and the sheriff's department appreciate your children's patience and cooperation during this time.
almost 2 years ago, Crystal Hesson
***MCJHS STUDENTS AND PARENTS*** Retake Picture Day is 2/2/23! If you're satisfied with your child's picture, no further action is required. If you purchased and were unhappy with your Picture Package, please send your Picture Package to school with your student on Retake Day. Your Retake Picture Package will be produced and shipped to the school four weeks after Retake Day. Please note, if your child is photographed on the original and Retake Picture Days, the Retake picture will replace the original picture in certain products, like the yearbook. Students who were absent for Picture Day should come to school prepared to have their picture taken. If you have not preordered, please use the Retake Order Code 75267MF to place your order at To see your Order History, check your Inter-State Account at Find answers to Retake Day questions here .
almost 2 years ago, Crystal Hesson
Like to code or interested in giving it a try and are in grade 6th, 7th, or 8th? Learn different languages through individual and group work this summer during Coding Camp being hosted by Career and Technical Education (CTE) on June 6-9 from 8a-1p at MCHS. Breakfast and lunch will be provided and parents/guardians must provide their own transportation to and from the camp. Interested? Please fill out the Reservation Request Google form by scanning the QR code on the attached flyer or clicking the link below to be considered since seating is limited. You will be notified by May 23 if you nabbed one of the seats for the camp. Questions? Contact Derek Meador at or Marla Davis at
over 2 years ago, Crystal Hesson
Summer Coding
Macon County Girls Jr High Basketball Team Tryouts Wednesday, May 11th 3:30-5:30  @jr high gymnasium Tryouts are for any upcoming 7th and 8th grader. Head Coach Todd Austin Assistant Coach Mike Prock
over 2 years ago, Crystal Hesson
On Thursday, May 12, 2022, the Macon Co. Chamber will be sponsoring Teacher Appreciation. School will dismiss at 12:00 on this day.
almost 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson
Please see the attached information about MCJH Cheer Tryouts.
almost 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson
JH Cheer
If you were unable to attend your child's Parent Night at MCHS to approve their course selections for the following school year, please click on the link below for instructions to view and approve your child's requests. More information is available on the Counseling Center page at If you have questions, please email your child's school counselor.
almost 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson
MCJH Girls Basketball try outs for all upcoming 7th and 8th graders for the 2022/23 school year will be March 16&18 from 3-4:30 at MCJH. Anyone wanting to try out will need a physical.
almost 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson
Our MCJH Tigerettes advance to the 2nd round of the TMSAA sectionals. We have to travel to Richview (Clarksville) on Monday. There was so much support from our students today, which was awesome in itself, we are going try to take a pep bus on Monday. Here is the important information: 1. We will be leaving school at 1:00pm. 2. We will stop at Shoney’s (as of now) to eat before the game. 3. We are taking the first 30 that sign up Monday morning and we have to have 25 to even take the bus. 4. If you child wants to participate, they will need money for food, admission, etc. Games are usually $5 to get in. 5. They will need a signed parent note saying they can ride the pep bus to Richview. If they ride it up, they ride it back unless their parent/guardian is there to bring them back. 6. They have to qualify for reward to go. The student know what that means. Basically, good behavior and do their work. 7. We should be back around 10:00pm. The students will be told to send messages as we get closer. You will pick them up in the front parking lot. 8. All school rules will apply and best behavior is expected. 9. Wear your blue and white! 10. Go Tigerettes beat Richview! Sign ups will be Monday morning in front of the cafeteria. PM Jamie Kelley for any questions.
almost 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson
Follow the link below to access the Macon County Schools 2022-2023 School Calendar
about 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson
Parents of 8th graders who will be attending MCHS next school year: On November 22 at 5:00pm there will be an informational meeting in Macon County Junior High Auditorium for parents and students about preparing students for transition to high school. Mara Cruz will be at this meeting to interpret for any parents that may need her services. If you have any questions, please contact Marla Davis. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson
Parents of 8th graders who will be attending MCHS next school year: On November 22 at 5p there will be an informational meeting for parents and students about preparing students for transition to high school. If you have any questions, please contact Marla Davis. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson
****Reminder**** There will be NO SCHOOL for Macon County students on Monday, September 27, 2021. This is a scheduled Professional Development Day for Macon County Teachers.
over 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson
2021-22 Cal
Macon County Trap Team Sign-up It’s time to sign-up for the Macon County Trap Team. All Students from 6th to 12th Grade are welcome to join. Registration papers are available from the High School, Junior High and RBS High School Offices. For more information click on the following link:
over 3 years ago, Crystal Hesson